Sodom and gomorrah movie english
Sodom and gomorrah movie english

sodom and gomorrah movie english

While obviously there are financial rewards for tipping off the FBI, this seems more about social signaling than any sort of commercial gain. There’s nothing like reporting on your family for social credit and validation to make you feel like you’re living in the heyday of East Germany (where 1 in 20 Communist Party members were Stasi spies). There’s the 18-year-old who reported her mom, aunt, and uncle for being at the Capitol protest, but she’s by no means the only one. Regarding the turning of children against their parents, we certainly have this in the most current of current years. However, white girls exhibiting ethnocentric preferences is evil. In fact, there is an old study that showed that black girls preferred white dolls and most of the commentary is on how sad a state of affairs that was. There’s a natural impulse to prefer dolls and people that look like you (something that movie studios know, as they try to appeal to the Chinese market). There’s an old video that circulated around showing two little white girls upset at getting black dolls. We even have stories about turning the desire for family in unnatural directions, like women who are concerned their infants don’t care about being anti-racist. Interestingly, NBC seemingly put out a similar article to that in 2019, but has since deleted it.

sodom and gomorrah movie english

We have this gem from December that claimed heterosexual relationships are “ bad for us.” Yes, the only type of sexual relationships acceptable in God’s eyes, or dictated by evolutionary necessity, are “bad for us” according to a “sex researcher.” Anytime someone tells you to “trust the science,” whether it comes to rushed vaccines, global warming, or anything else, be sure to pull out this gem. Our new President has even talked about how Jews in the media are largely responsible for this normalization. If you’re reading this, you’re likely familiar with the normalization of homosexuality that has been going on for decades. Regarding the Party manipulating the sex impulse, we’ve got a story for that. How does America 2021 shape up against Orwell’s concerns? So, we’ve got a dangerous sex impulse, the desire for family, and the loyalty of children to parents. It was a device by means of which everyone could be surrounded night and day by informers who knew him intimately.”

sodom and gomorrah movie english

The family had become in effect an extension of the Thought Police.

sodom and gomorrah movie english

They had played a similar trick with the instinct of parenthood…The children, on the other hand, were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. “The sex impulse was dangerous to the Party, and the Party had turned it to account. There’s one passage, in particular, which I think sums up the current state of affairs pretty well. I don’t have too many fiction books in my bookcase, but it seems I need to move Orwell’s 1984 on my non-fiction shelf.

Sodom and gomorrah movie english